Wereld sikkelcel dag - Meindert Manshande
Dr. Manshande is kinderarts op Curaçao sinds 2012 en heeft een aandachtsgebied ontwikkeld voor hemoglobinopathieën, waarvan sikkelcelziekte er één is.
Meindert Manshande - Pediatrician
Dr. M.E. Manshande, MD, is a general pediatrician with a broad interest in all aspects of pediatrics and neonatology, and a special focus on pediatric hematology and pediatric oncology.
He received his degrees both at the universities of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Brussels (Belgium). During his study, he completed his internships in Cape Town (South Africa) and in Curaçao.
In 2012 he initiated his career as a pediatric chief resident in the St. Elisabeth Hospital in Curaçao and in 2013 Dr. Manshande became Head of the Pediatric Department, until the start of Curaçao Medical Center in 2019. Currently, his focus is on clinical work, research, initiating multidisciplinary outpatient clinics, and coordinator for contacts with other countries. Dr. Manshande works on protocols for neonatal screening and sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies and is a co-writer in various publications, on subjects ranging from the Chikungunya and Zika epidemics to clinical genetics in Curaçao.