We are passionate about educating the medical community.

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We are pleased to present the preliminary program for the 8th Netherlands Heart Days, NHD 2014, from January 23 — 25, 2014 on Curacao.


This years meeting is organized by the NHD, together with the Maastricht University Medical Center and the NASKHO.

On the first two days mainly new radiological techniques and insights in e.g. pre- and post myocardial infarction imaging, cardiac myopathy and evidenced based cardiac imaging will be addressed. On the last day, gender topics in cardiac diagnosis and treatment and the interaction between radiologists and cardiologists will be addressed as well as new cardiac developments in the Caribbean. From many other perspectives the organizers decided eight years ago to start an annual course in Curacao. It has proved its worth in the last years as evidenced by both the returning number of participants of the previous years as well as the increment of new ones, both from Europe as well as from the entire Caribbean area and South America.

Early fee registration is open until December 1, 2013. Of course registration is also possible thereafter, until January 17, 2014

We hope to welcome you in Curacao in January 2014!

On behalf of:

Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk

Prof. Dr. J.E. Wildberger

Develop a passion for learning

Bon Bini Betekent In Het Papiaments 'Welkom'

Met dit 'Bon biní-boekje' willen wij  de co-assisten­ten die naar Curaçao komen om hun stages te doen, welkom heten. Het is de bedoeling om jullie op de hoogte te brengen over de gang van zaken in de Curacao Medical Center waar jullie zullen gaan werken, en over Cura­çao. Voor het verkrijgen van goed onderwijs verwachten we van je een pro- actieve rol.  Er zijn heel veel mogelijkheden die je kunt benutten. De docenten verwachten van je in deze dat er belangstelling getoond wordt en dat je zelf ook met suggesties en verzoeken komt.

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