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Netherlands Heart Days 2021 (ONLINE)

On March 13, 2021
Posted by Estelle Noach
Categories: Conference
Hits: 4273

Dear Friends and Cardiovascular Imaging enthusiasts,

Because of the COVID pandemic, it is unfortunately impossible to organize an in-person Netherlands Heart Days meeting in 2021. However, we are happy to announce a free 1-day virtual meeting on Saturday March 13, 2021 via Zoom.

We are happy to announce an outstanding COVID related NHD program with excellent speakers, both from the Netherlands as well as the Caribbean with ample room for discussion.

Keynote guest will be Prof. Diederik Gommers, Head of the Dutch Society of Intensive Care (NVIC), who will share with us his experience in managing the pandemic in a live interview with opportunity for the audience to ask questions. We are also very pleased to have Dr. Izzy Gerstenbluth, epidemiologist and Head of the Biomedical and Health Research Institute Curaçao, as speaker, who will provide us with the Curaçao perspective on COVID.

Below you can find the program overview:

Of course we would have preferred to have our meeting live on the lovely island of Curaçao again, and we hope to do so again next year.

For now, we are happy to be able to offer you this online program free of charge.

To take part in our meeting, please click the registration button below to send us an email. You will be provided with the Zoom Link prior to the meeting. Feel free to share this email with colleagues.

Accreditation has been requested from the NVVR and NVVC.

The tentative dates for our next onsite meeting are January 13 – 15, 2022 in Curaçao.

We hope to see many of you online on March 13, 2021!

Estelle Noach, PhD
Jan Willem Gratama, MD PhD
Prof. Hildo Lamb, MD, PhD, BSc
Prof. Tim Leiner, MD, PhD

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