Gastrointestinal and liver diseases
New diagnostic and therapeutic approaches
Get ready for the near future.
The last NASKHO course on gastrointestinal and liver diseases was held seven years ago. Since then, major changes in diagnostics and therapies have occurred. This justifies a new course to refresh your knowledge and learn about recent developments. Moreover, many challenges in health care lie ahead of us. To name some: population aging, obesity pandemic, increasing medical costs, and shortage of health care professionals. In this two-day course, renowned gastroenterologists and hepatologists of the Erasmus MC will discuss several topics, such as i.e. treatment of portal hypertension, screening for GI malignancies, and gallstones, and dos and don’ts of diagnostic endoscopy.
Moreover, several cases will be presented. With the new knowledge, you can improve your daily care and have new skills to help your working life afloat. You are cordially invited to join this NASKHO course, held on September 27th and 28th,2024 at the Renaissance Wind Creek Curacao Resort.
Looking forward to meeting you,
On behalf of NASKHO, Organizing committee:
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Wim Lammers, MD, PhD, Raoel Maan, MD, PhD, Herold Metselaar, MD, PhD
Curaçao Medical Center, Willemstad, Curaçao: Raudwyn Schotborgh, MD, PhD, Alexander Saleh, MD, PhD
Learning goals:
- Hear the major changes in hepatology over the past half-century.
- Learn about the upcoming liver diseases, such as metabolic-associated fatty liver disease and herbal-induced liver diseases.
- Hear new facts about diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for patients with portal hypertension.
- Learn about the new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for patients with gallstones.
- Hear new facts about options for the screening of upper gastrointestinal cancer.
- Hear new facts about the endoscopic options for gastrointestinal cancer.
- Learn about the start and stopping rules of biologicals in patients with IBD.
- Gain practical knowledge from cases with gastrointestinal and liver diseases presented.
Friday, 27 September 2024 - Session 1
CHAIRS - Alexander Saleh / Herold Metselaar
6:15 - 6:45 pm
6:45 - 7:15 pm
50 years of hepatology; a personal view
Herold Metselaar
7:15 - 7:45 pm
Symptoms and treatment of portal hypertension
Raoel Maan
7:45 - 8:15 pm
Many faces of liver diseases
Caroline den Hoed
8:15 - 8:45 pm
MASLD; to treat medically or not?
Raoel Maan
8:45 - 9:00 pm
Questions + Answers
Participants + Speakers
Saturday, 28 September 2024 - Session 2
From - To
CHAIRS - Raudwyn Schotborgh/Herold Metselaar
9:15 - 9:45 am
9:45 - 10:15 am
Supplements and the liver, a safe combination?
Caroline den Hoed
10:15 - 10:45 am
To order an endoscopy or not?
Caroline Saleh
10:45 - 11:15 am
Gallstones; from diagnosis to treatment
Wim Lammers
11:15 - 11:45 am
Screening for upper GI cancer
Judith Honing
11:45 am - 12:00 pm
Questions + Answers
Participants + Speakers
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Saturday, 28 September 2024 - Session 3
From - To
CHAIRS - Raudwyn Schotborgh/Alexander Saleh
1:00 - 1:20 pm
1:20 - 1:50 pm
Endoscopic treatment of oncological GI complications
Wim Lammers
1:50 - 2:20 pm
Case presentation GI disease
Caroline Saleh
2:20 - 2:50 pm
Endoscopic options for gastrointestinal cancers
Judith Honing
2:50 - 3:05 pm
Questions + Answers
Participants + Speakers
3:05 - 3:30 pm
3:30 - 4:00 pm
The world of biologicals and beyond in IBD
Marin de Jong
4:00 - 4:30 pm
Herold Metselaar
4:30 - 5:00 pm
Stopping rules in the treatment of IBD
Marin de Jong
5:00 - 5:15 pm
Questions + Answers
Participants + Speakers
5:15 - 5:45 pm
Registration Fees: The Early Bird Fee is valid only if paid during the registration (Expires August 15th, 2024)
Early Bird: US $ 250.- Full Conference (3 sessions) Medical Doctor & General Practitioners up to August 15th, 2024
1 Session $ 250, 2 sessions $ 250, 3 sessions = Full Conference $ 250
Early Bird: S $ 125.- Full Conference (3 sessions) Nurses & Paramedics up to August 15th, 2024
1 Session $ 125, 2 sessions $ 125, 3 sessions = Full Conference $ 125
Late Fee US $ 330.- Full Conference Medical Doctor & General Practitioners
Late Fee US $ 165.- Full Conference Nurses & Paramedics
GAIA: Nederlandse Vereniging van Maag-Darm-Leverartsen (MDL) / ID 563170 : 8 punten
Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (NIV) / ID 563170 : 8 punten
CAN # A24.023 8 punten
1. Caroline den Hoed - MD, PhD - Nederland
2. Judith Honing - MD, PhD - Nederland
3. Marin de Jong - MD, PhD - Aruba
4. Wim Lammers - MD, PhD - Nederland
5. Raoel Maan - MD, PhD - Nederland
6. Herold Metselaar, Prof. dr. - Nederland
7. Caroline Saleh - MD, PhD - Nederland
Click on the flyer below for the digital booklet
Caroline den Hoed
After her study in medicine at the University of Leiden, she successfully defended her thesis “Helicobacter pylori from acquisition to malignancy on June 15th, 2012, at the Erasmus University. After her residency in internal medicine at the IJsselland Hospital, she started her clinical training in gastroenterology and hepatology at the Erasmus MC. After completing her medical training, she started as a consultant in gastroenterology and hepatology at the Erasmus MC. In July 2021 she was appointed as medical director of the Rotterdam Liver Transplant Program. Her main interests are liver failure and liver transplantation.
Caroline Saleh
Maag-, Darm- en LeverziektenShe was born in Curacao and moved to the Netherlands to study medicine. After completion, she followed a PhD trajectory at the Amsterdam UMC on treating achalasia and gastroesophageal reflux. In 2017, she temporally returned to Curacao to help the victims of hurricane Irma in Sint Maarten. Since July 2023 she has been in training for a gastroenterologist and hepatologist at the Erasmus MC.
Herold Metselaar
Em. professor Leverfalen en Levertransplantatie
Voorzitter niet-WMO toetsingscommissie
Vice-voorzitter METCAfter he studied medicine at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam he was trained in internal medicine and intensive care. In 1988 he joined the Rotterdam Liver Transplant Program, was appointed as medical director of the program in 1995, and later as professor of Liver Failure and Liver Transplantation. His focus of clinical research is immunosuppression, viral infections, and long-term outcomes. He published more than 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals, presented at several international conferences, and co-organized earlier 3 NASHKO courses on Hepatology and Gastroenterology. After his retirement in 2021, he is still active as a clinical researcher, teacher, and chairman of the ethical committee of the Erasmus MC.
Judith Honing
After she studied medicine and PhD trajectory regarding esophageal cancer at the University of Groningen, she was trained as a gastroenterologist and hepatologist at the University Medical Center Utrecht. Between September 2021 and December 2022, she worked as a Clinical Research Associate at the University of Cambridge dedicated to the surveillance and endoscopic treatment of premalignant upper GI conditions such as Barrett’s esophagus. Currently, she works as an academic medical specialist at the Erasmus MC with a special interest in screening, surveillance, and endoscopic treatment of patients with (pre)malignant upper GI conditions.
Marin de Jong
After she studied medicine at Maastricht University, she started a PhD trajectory on care for inflammatory bowel disease. She successfully defended her thesis “The PROMise of Remote Monitoring to improve quality of care for inflammatory bowel disease” in 2018. She was trained between 2017 and 2024 as a gastroenterologist and hepatologist at the Haga Hospital in the Hague and the Leiden University Medical Center, whereafter she worked as a fellow inflammatory bowel disease at the Erasmus MC. Recently, she moved to Aruba and joined the medical staff of the Horacio Oduber Hospital.
Raoel Maan
After he studied medicine at the University of Leiden, he did a clinical internship for two years at the Medical Center Haga/Westeinde in the Hague. He started his PhD program in 20212 at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and Toronto Western Hospital, Canada on the safety of antiviral therapy in hepatitis C patients. He successfully defended his thesis “Antiviral Therapy for chronic HCV infection-Tolerability and Outcome” in 2016. Thereafter, he continued his medical training and was registered as a gastroenterologist and hepatologist in early 2022. Currently, he works as a consultant at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of Erasmus MC with a focus on patients with portal hypertension and liver transplantation. Moreover, he participates in the teaching of medical students.
Wim Lammers
After he studied medicine at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands he performed clinical research on risk stratification in primary biliary cirrhosis. He successfully defended his PhD thesis in November 2015, whereafter he started clinical training in gastroenterology and hepatology. After accomplishing his training in 2020, he performed a one-year fellowship in advanced HPB endoscopy at the Gold Coast University Hospital, Queensland, Australia. Currently, he works as an academic medical specialist at the Erasmus MC with a special interest in the diagnostics and treatment of pancreatic and biliary diseases.
- 01-Fri-Herold-Presentation Herold Metselaar Curacao 2024
- 02-Fri-NASHKO 2024 - Portal Hypertension RMaan
- 03-Fri-NASHKO presentation 2024 The many faces of liver disease C den Hoed
- 04-Fri-NASHKO 2024 - MASLD RMaan
- 01-01-NASHKO presentation 2024 C den Hoed Supplements and the Liver 1
- 01-02-To endoscopy or not that is the question
- 01-03-Biliary stones_2
- 01-04-Nahsko_ScreeningforGIcancerFinal
- 02-01-Malignancy and alternative routes
- 02-02-How to scare a GI Resident
- 02-03-EndoscopicoptionsforGIcancer3
- 02-03-EndoscopicoptionsforGIcancer3516
- 03-01-IBD world biologicals
- 03-03-IBD exit strategy