We are passionate about educating the medical community.

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The committee deals with all matters relating to education and the examination, insofar as it is not mandated by others or under the law.

The tasks of the said committee are in any case:

  • To advise on changes in the education program
  • To advise on the colleague roster at the training within SEHOS and the Clinic
  • The preparation and decision-making on the distribution of the available doctor's assistant and the managers on the subjects
  • Monitor the implementation of the education program and the cursor education
  • Advising on postgraduate courses at the request of the post graduate course committee of NASKHO

This also means that the chairman of the education committee is responsible for the practical completion of the above five points in Article 7. In practice, these must be laid down in concrete agreements.


Place of the Education Commission

The education committee is part of the educational institution and part of the relevant hospital, with input and feedback from the teacher, the student and the coordinator.

The chairman of the education committee reports to the NASKHO Board, the UMCG and the RVB Hospital. This in transparent, coherent consultation with the coordinator is already a director of all educational activities.

Educational Commission is therefore the platform of teachers, namely the medical specialists charged and involved in teaching. (Ie not automatically all medical specialists) and students (co-assistants) where the quality of medical education is explained to the requirements of the UMCG education institute, together with the other members of the education committee as indicated in Article 6 of the Affiliation Contract To be updated.


The chairman of the education committee.

The education committee is chaired by the chairman whose task is to act as moderator of the committee, steering officer of the teacher, student. Between the education coordinator and the chairman of the education committee there must be a coherent line of communication and policy on the one hand to meet the requirements of the education institute, on the other hand, appropriate within the organization of the hospital / teaching hospital.

Develop a passion for learning

Bon Bini Betekent In Het Papiaments 'Welkom'

Met dit 'Bon biní-boekje' willen wij  de co-assisten­ten die naar Curaçao komen om hun stages te doen, welkom heten. Het is de bedoeling om jullie op de hoogte te brengen over de gang van zaken in de Curacao Medical Center waar jullie zullen gaan werken, en over Cura­çao. Voor het verkrijgen van goed onderwijs verwachten we van je een pro- actieve rol.  Er zijn heel veel mogelijkheden die je kunt benutten. De docenten verwachten van je in deze dat er belangstelling getoond wordt en dat je zelf ook met suggesties en verzoeken komt.

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