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15th DAS Conference 2024 (Sint Maarten)

From November 15, 2024 08:00 until November 16, 2024 17:00
Categories: Conference
Hits: 5699


The 15th DAS Conference 2024, a carefully connected Caribbean cooperation between specialized and family medicine in Sint Maarten brings together healthcare professionals from across the Caribbean and beyond to discuss emerging trends, share medical knowledge, and improve professional collaboration in patient care.

This year’s conference focuses on advancements in treatment approaches, interdisciplinary cooperation, and integrating new technologies such as artificial Intelligence for both general practitioners (GPs) and specialists. It marks a diverse range of keynote presentations and networking opportunities, aiming to foster education, professional development, and improved healthcare outcomes. The conference offers valuable insights into the future of medical care in the Caribbean.

Some Key Topics and Highlights

Explore strategies for optimizing the management of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, a modern approach to heart failure.
Hypertensive emergencies at the end of pregnancy.
Aspects of dementia.
New therapeutic strategies in sickle-cell disease.
Emerging infectious diseases in the Caribbean and prevention strategies.
Ways to improve patient compliance and medication prescription consistency between General practitioners and specialists.
Approach to somatically unexplained physical complaints.
Recent scientific developments in the broad field of medicine.
Differential diagnosis of joint pain and the management of arthritis.
Sexual Health: diverse cases of dysfunction or deficiencies with explanation and treatment.


However, you can still download the attached form, print and fill it out, transfer the funds, and bring a copy to the registration desk.

REGISTRATION FEE: $250 for full conference


  • Please pay the registration fee by transferring the funds to the bank information below
  • Mail your proof of payment to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

    ONLINE payment via this conference page is NOT POSSIBLE.      
Beneficiary Bank: The Windward Islands Bank Ltd.
Beneficiary Bank Address: Clem Labega Square 7
Beneficiary Bank City: Philipsburg
Beneficiary Bank Country: Sint Maarten

REFERENCE: DAS-Conference November 15th and 16th 2024 Sint Maarten

Final Beneficiary Acct #: 20099403 Naf or 20099501 USD
Final Beneficiary Name: ST. MAARTEN MEDICAL CENTER
Final Beneficiary Address: Welgelegen road 30
Final Beneficiary City: Cay Hill
Final Beneficiary Country: Sint Maarten

Friday November 15th, 2024 - Session 1


From - To Subject Speaker
and the opportunity to enter answers in the Pre-conference quiz
8:30 am Introduction Gabe van Essen, Internist-nephrologist
SMMC - Sint Maarten 
8:35 am Opening, with an overview of the evolution of SMGH Felix Holiday, Surgeon and CEO
SMMC - Sint Maarten
9:00 am Contemporary treatment of hypertension in the Caribbean Kenrick Berend, Internist-nephrologist
CMC - Curacao 
9:30 am Artificial intelligence and personal data protection in healthcare. Guadalupe Verwaayen, Application administrator/data protection professional
SMMC - Sint Maarten 
10:00 am Coffee break  
10:30 am Preventive nephrology Shahriar Akaberi, Internist-nephrologist
SMMC - Sint Maarten
11:00 am Aspects of iron absorption, metabolism and therapy Roel Jonkhoff, Internist-haematologist
SMMC - Sint Maarten
11:30 am Update in management of diabetes mellitus and diabetic kidney disease Nouaf Ajubi, Internist-nephrologist
Director of the Curacao Dialysis Center, Curacao
12:00 pm Lunch  

Friday November 15th, 2024 - Session 2


From - To Subject Speaker
  The General Practitioner's perspective:  
 1:30 pm The role of the GP in sexual health.  Laurien Reinders, General practitioner
Sint Maarten
1:50 pm The contribution of health care insurance in provision of health care in the Dutch Caribbean Ruth Douglass (to be confirmed)
SZV - Sint Maarten
2:10 pm Ways to improve patient compliance and medication prescription consistency between GP’s and specialists Andwele Illis, Hospital pharmacist
Cay Hill Pharmacy - Sint Maarten
2:30 pm Approach to somatically unexplained physical complaints
(In Dutch: Somatisch onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten = SOLK)
Radha Sanchit, General practitioner
Sint Maarten
3:00 pm Coffee break  
3:30 pm Differential diagnosis of joint pain and the management of arthritis Richard van Vugt, Rheumatologist
Amsterdam UMC and
Poli Buitenveldert, The Netherlands
4:00 pm Hands-on training in rheumatology, tips and tricks for the busy clinician Richard van Vugt, Rheumatologist
Amsterdam UMC and
Poli Buitenveldert, The Netherlands
4:30 pm Adjourn  

Saturday, November 16th, 2024 Session 3


From - To Subject Speaker
  The SMMC-experience:  
8:30 am  Medical and paramedical education on Sint Maarten  Antonio Selwyn Pantophlet, Inpatient management coordinator
SMMC - Sint Maarten  
8:50 am  An interesting case of leptospirosis Omar Rogouti, House officer
Department of Internal Medicine/nephrology
SMMC - Sint Maarten
9:10 am  Pitfalls in the diagnosis of the acute abdomen  Willem van Tets, Surgeon
SMMC - Sint Maarten
9:30 am  New Therapeutic strategies in sickle-cell disease Martijn Tilanus, Pediatrician
SMMC - Sint Maarten 
10:00 am  Coffee break   
10:30 am  Antibiotic resistance patterns in the Caribbean  Radjin Steingrover, Medical microbiologist
Sint Maarten Labarotary Services and
SMMC -Sint Maarten
11:00 am Up-to-date treatment of HIV and AIDS Mieke Hooijschuur, Internist and infectious diseases specialist
SMMC - Sint Maarten
11:30 am Rare (and not so rare) infectious diseases in the Caribbean Bert Rodenburg, Internist-infectious diseases specialist
HOH - Aruba
12:00 pm Lunch  

Saturday, November 16th, 2024 Session 4


From - To Subject Speaker
1:00 pm  Modern approach to heart failure Emiko Bird-Lake, Cardiologist
SMMC - Sint Maarten
1:30 pm Hypertensive emergencies at the end of pregnancy Wai Fan Lam, Gynaecologist
SMMC - Sint Maarten
2:00 pm Aspects of dementia Sandro Waterloo, Internist/geriatric medicine specialist
HOH, Aruba
2:30 pm Coffee break  
3:00 pm The red eye, what is the diagnosis? Jerrel Pawiroredjo, Ophthalmologist
SMMC - Sint Maarten
3:30 pm Recent scientific developments in the broad field of medicine Ashley Duits, Medical immunologist and
Head of the blood bank, Curacao & Sint Maarten
4:00 pm Opportunity to enter answers in the Post-conference quiz  
4:10 pm Closing of the conference

Gabe van Essen, Internist-nephrologist
SMMC - Sint Maarten

4:20 pm Adjourn  


The 15th DAS Conference is organized by a number of the same persons as the previous DAS Conferences, most of which have taken place on Aruba.

The international organizing committee includes the following persons:
Dr. Kenrick Berend, internist-nephrologist, Curacao.
Dr. Nouaf Ajubi, internist-nephrologist and director of Dialysis Center, Curacao.
Dr. Richard van Vugt, rheumatologist, Amsterdam UMC and Buitenpoli Buitenveldert.
Prof. Dr. Ashley Duits, Head of Blood Bank Curacao and professor at Groningen University.

The local organizing committee (on Sint Maarten) includes:
Dr. Gabe van Essen, internist-nephrologist SMMC, Sint Maarten.
Mrs. Guadalupe Verwaayen, ICT-application administrator and data protection professional, SMMC, Sint Maarten.
Dr. Laurien Reinders, general practitioner Bush Road Clinic Sint Maarten.
Dr. Radha Sanchit, general practitioner Dutch Quarter Clinic Sint Maarten.

Learning objectives:

• Providing an update in the field of internal medicine including infectious diseases, kidney diseases, immunology, endocrinology, and rheumatology.
• Providing practical tools for treating patients by both general practitioners and medical specialists.
• Promotion of scientific expertise by teaching a critical attitude towards the scientific knowledge on which medical action is based.
• Practical expertise in effective diagnosis and long-term therapy for chronic diseases.
• Specific expertise in the field of pharmacotherapy, possibilities and limitations of pharmacotherapy, interactions and side effects of medicines, and the effect of polypharmacy.
• Strengthening the connection and cooperation between the first and second lines.
All of this is with a focus on the situation in the Caribbean.

Accredited with GAIA ABC 1 id 574528, a total of 10 points
CAN A24.029 
15 November morning 3
15 November afternoon 2
16 November morning 3
16 November afternoon 2

NIV - Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging - 11 punten

 For reservation at the Simpson Bay Resort, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a 25% discount on your stay, for participants of the DAS Conference.

For the Digital Program Booklet  or