Lifestyle in Medicine
From Strive to Thrive, Be Healthy and Alive
Pretest Why lifestyle medicine?Friday June 7th, 2024
17:30 - 17:55
Registration Session 1
17:55 - 18:00
General welcome & introduction
P. Arrindell WIMA chairman
18:00 - 18:10
Welcome by Prime Minister
PM Dr. L. Mercelina
18:10 - 18:25
18:25 - 18:55
Ellen Visscher / Monique van de Wall Arneman
18:55 - 19:35
Lifestyle and microbiome: how does it work
Max Nieuwdorp
19:35 - 20:05
How does lifestyle influence the immune response
Ashley Duits
20:05 - 20:20
20:20 - 21:05
Lifestyle and nutrition: resilience and prevention
Frits Muskiet
21:05 - 21:20
Discussion & Closing
Judith Richardson / Tasika BellSaturday June 8th, 2024
From - To
08:00 - 08:30
Registration Session 2
08:30 - 09:00
Preventative medicine
09:00 - 09:30
Changing the scope: healthcare professionals on the same page
Ellen Visscher/ Monique van de Wall Arneman
09:30 - 09:45
Healthy Lifestyle Map St. Maarten
Tasika Bell
09:45 - 10:30
Lifestyle and the government: accelerate and brake at the same time?
Jacob Seidell
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:15
Sustainable behavioral change
Harm Hoenders
11:15 - 12:00
Reverse obesity with drugs
Marcel Muskiet
12:00 - 12:30
Prevention through diet & counseling in Sint.Maarten
Jeshneila Carti/ Berit Bus
12:30 - 13:30
13:15 - 13:30
Registration Session 3
13:30 - 14:15
Reverse diabetes with lifestyle
Nynke van der Zijl
14:15 - 15:00
Enhancing health: Integrating Lifestyle coaching in physical therapy clinics
Remi Prinsen / Sebastiaan Hoendervangers/ Naomi Korstanje
15:00 - 15:15
15:15 - 15:45
The basis of Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI's): is it science?
Frits Muskiet
15:45 - 16:15
Promoting Wellness Lifestyle Intervention Pilot Project?
Chandra Rombley
16:15 - 16:45
Discussion & Closing
Registration Session 4 Fecal microbiota transplant: generally applicable? Implementation of the ‘Reverse Diabetes2 Now’ program in different cultures Why are health inequalities persistent? Break Lifestyle and psychiatry: an integrative approach Culinary medicineSunday June 9th, 2024
From - To
08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:30
Max Nieuwdorp
09:30 - 10:00
Nynke van der Zijl
10:00 - 10:30
Jacob Seidell
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:30
Harm Hoenders
11:30 - 12:15
Ellen Visscher/ Monique van de Wall Arneman
12:15 - 12:45
Test answers
12:45- 13:00
Discussion & Closing
A 3-day conference about lifestyle for the public, medical, and para-medical health care workers in the Caribbean
(Inter)National speakers from The Netherlands, Curacao, and Sint Maarten
Topics discussed (amongst others): - Nutrition - Mental Health - Immune response - Microbiome - Obesity, Diabetes - Health Inequalities - Government's role - Culinary medicine - Prevention & behavior changes
Registration fee:
$ 200,- Medical Doctors & other: FULL Conference
$ 100,- Nurses and paramedics: FULL Conference
Free entrance AUC students
Bank Transfer Information
R.B.C. Account # 8200000009270235 (Sint Maarten)
Account is in ANG
For non-BIG registered CAN 24.016
June 7th - 3 points
June 8th morning session - 4 points
June 8th afternoon session - 2 points
June 9th morning session - 3 points
For BIG registered GAIA ABAN ID 558952
June 7th - 3 points
June 8th morning session - 4 points
June 8th afternoon session - 2 points
June 9th morning session - 3 points
Target audience:
- General Practitioner
- Medical Specialist
- Pharmacist
- Dietician
- Other paramedical professionals
- Hospital staff
- Nurses and laboratory staff
Ashley Duits - Medisch Immunoloog
Berit Bus - Dietitian
Berit Bus, RD, LD, CSSD, is a dedicated dietitian and co-founder of GreenMedsSXM, born and raised on the picturesque island of St. Maarten. Her lifelong passion for nutrition, health, and sports led her to pursue a career in dietetics, beginning with her studies in the Netherlands in 2013.
Throughout her journey, Berit has conducted extensive research, including investigations into the etiologic and complications of diabetes in the Caribbean and the correlation between school policies, neighborhoods, and childhood obesity rates in Amsterdam. Following her bachelor's degree, she specialized in diabetes and sports dietetics, amplifying her expertise in these critical areas.
Berit's commitment to educating others on nutrition and health is evident in her numerous lectures and presentations delivered to schools, hospitals, and various companies. Returning to St. Maarten in 2019, she has since been providing invaluable guidance to her community through consultations and educational talks, emphasizing the profound impact of nutrition on disease prevention and management.
In her practice, Berit offers personalized dietary counseling, custom diet plans, and high-quality supplements to address a range of health concerns. She is registered in the Quality Register for Paramedics and the SCAS register for sports dietitians, in addition to being a member of the Paramedical Association Sint Maarten (PASM) and the Nederlandse Vereniging van Diëtisten (NVD).
Together with her father, Dr. Bus, Berit co-founded GreenMedsSXM, an initiative aimed at providing holistic healthcare alternatives. Her approach prioritizes preventative care and patient-centered solutions, addressing the root causes of illness to promote long-term wellness. Inspired by the wisdom of Hippocrates, Berit believes in the transformative power of food as medicine, embodying the mantra, "Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
In the presentation 'Prevention through Diet & Counseling in Sint Maarten,' she will highlight the significant role of education in preventing illness and disease. Additionally, she will address behavioral change, emphasizing the relationship with food and the potential to connect agriculture, food, and diet to enhance health outcomes. Drawing from various patient experiences, she will offer advice to general practitioners on integrating prevention plans into patient care.
Ellen Visscher - General Practitioner
Ellen Visscher
Ellen was born and raised in the Netherlands. She studied medicine in Groningen and completed her general practitioner training in the same city. Currently, she is a part-time general practitioner in Curaçao. Since November 2020 she has been an international board-certified lifestyle medicine physician (International Board of Lifestyle Medicine). In addition to patient care, she is committed to promoting the importance of lifestyle medicine among healthcare professionals and the public healthcare sector. Together with Monique van de Wall Arneman, she developed an educational program, in which they train healthcare professionals in lifestyle medicine. Another focal point of work is conducting scientific research aimed at mapping out how lifestyle medicine should be implemented in healthcare systems and small island developing states.
Frits Muskiet - Clinical Chemist
Frits A.J. Muskiet graduated in Biochemistry, obtained his PhD (catecholamine (metabolite) producing tumors), and specialized in Clinical Chemistry, all in Groningen University and the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). Until his retirement, he held a permanent position as a Clinical Chemist in the UMCG with activities in patient care, teaching, and research. He was appointed Professor of Pathophysiology and Clinical Chemical Analysis in the School of Pharmacy of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medical Sciences. He is still active in research and teaching and has a broad research interest e.g. activities in nutrition, lifestyle in medicine, atherosclerosis, hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias, obstetrics and perinatology, psychiatry, evolutionary medicine, and evidence-based laboratory medicine. He has been an advisor of 34 PhD candidates and is (co)author of 288 PubMed registered publications.
Harm Jan Rogier Hoenders - Psychiatrist
Jaap Seidell - hoogleraar Voeding en Gezondheid
Jaap Seidell is hoogleraar Voeding en Gezondheid aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Als deskundige op dit gebied adviseert hij verschillende nationale en internationale wetenschappelijke organisaties, waaronder de World Health Organisation. Hij is lid van de KNAW. Samen met Jutka Halberstadt schreef hij 'Tegenwicht' (2011), 'Het voedsellabyrint' (2014) en 'Jongleren met voeding' (2018). Ze publiceren regelmatig in onder meer 'Het Parool' over voeding, gedrag en gezondheid. In 2021 verscheen hun nieuwste boek, 'Andere kost'.
Jeshneila Carti - Registered Clinical Dietitian
Jeshneila Carti is a dedicated Registered Clinical Dietitian, well-known for her expertise in nutrition and dietetics. She studied in the Netherlands at the Hanze University where she graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, Jeshneila brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her practice, helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals through personalized dietary interventions. In 2013 Jeshneila opened her private practice by the name of Vital Health Dietitian practice after successfully running a private practice for 9 years, she decided to expand her business by co-founding a paramedical healthcare clinic (Qualichi Healthcare Clinic) in 2022.
Jeshneila is committed to providing comprehensive, compassionate, and quality care to her clients. Her holistic approach to nutrition emphasizes not only the importance of dietary choices but also factors such as lifestyle, cultural considerations, and individual preferences. Through evidence-based practices and ongoing education, Jeshneila stays at the forefront of nutritional science, ensuring that her clients receive the highest standard of care.
With a passion for empowering others to take control of their health, Jeshneila is a trusted resource in her community. Whether working one-on-one with clients, conducting educational lectures, or collaborating with healthcare professionals, she strives to make a positive impact on the lives of those she serves.
Outside of her clinic, she also works at the St.Maarten Medical Center where she supervises the Food Services department whilst tending to the patient's individual needs as the hospital’s dietitian when consulted by a specialist. Jeshneila continues to contribute to the field of nutrition through research and advocacy efforts. Her dedication to advancing the field of dietetics and promoting wellness serves as a testament to her unwavering commitment to helping others live healthier & happier lives.
Judith Y. Richardson-Euson, MD, MPH, MS
Dr. Judith Richardson-Euson was born on the island of Sint Maarten where she obtained her primary and secondary school education. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of the Virgin Islands, and thereafter pursued graduate studies at Howard University in Washington, DC, obtaining a Master of Science degree in Biochemistry. Her interest in medicine propelled her to seek and ultimately gain acceptance to Howard University College of Medicine where she received her MD degree.
Dr. Richardson’s initial specialty training was in General Surgery at the State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate in Brooklyn, New York, and at Howard University Hospital in the District of Columbia. Later, she completed a dual residency training program in Preventive /Occupational Medicine at the University of New Mexico, in conjunction with a Master of Public Health (MPH) program concentrating in Health Systems, Services, and Policy. It is Dr. Richardson’s vision to assist in the development of a structured preventive healthcare system on Sint Maarten in collaboration with key stakeholders, and ultimately pave a pathway for improved population health.
Marcel Muskiet - Endocrinology and Vascular Medicine
GLP-1-receptoragonisten verlagen kans op diabetische nierziekte
Dr. Marcel Muskiet onderzocht de effecten van op incretine gebaseerde therapieën op nierfunctie en -schade bij patiënten met diabetes type 2 (T2D). GLP-1-receptoragonisten leken het risico op diabetische nierziekte te verminderen, hoewel minder uitgesproken dan SGLT2-remmers. Het nierbeschermende effect van GLP-1-receptoragonisten was glucose-onafhankelijk.
Dr. M. (Marcel) Muskiet promoveerde op 9 mei 2022 aan de VU op het proefschrift Incretin-based therapies and the kidney – from physiology, to pharmacology and outcomes in type 2 diabetes. Zijn promotoren waren dr. D.H. van Raalte en prof. dr. M.H.H. Kramer, zijn copromotoren dr. J.A. Joles en dr. M.M. Smits
Max Nieuwdorp - Internist-endocrinologist
Hoogleraar Inwendige Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder diabetes mellitus
over: "Wij zijn onze hormonen"Max Nieuwdorp werkt als internist en endocrinoloog bij het AMC-UvA en doet onderzoek naar de rol van darmbacteriën bij het ontstaan van diabetes, leververvetting (steatose) en hart- en vaatziekten. Naast directeur van de diabetesafdeling en het laboratorium voor Experimentele Vasculaire Geneeskunde van het Academisch Medisch Centrum, werkt Nieuwdorp ook als diabetesonderzoeker bij het VU Medisch Centrum Amsterdam en gastprofessor aan het Wallenberg-laboratorium van de Universiteit van Göteborg. Door gebruik te maken van fecale transplantaties onderzoekt Nieuwdorp de causale rol van darmbacteriën die betrokken zijn bij het ontstaan van bovengenoemde ziektes en of het mogelijk is om met een specifieke behandeling (door dergelijke bacteriestammen aan te vullen via vloeistoffen of ziekteverwekkers te elimineren via vaccinatie) de ziekte te beïnvloeden. of zelfs het beloop van deze ziekten voorkomen. Nieuwdorp werkt sinds 2012 bij het AMC-UvA, waar hij sindsdien ook hoofdonderzoeker is. Momenteel begeleidt hij een groep van twaalf promovendi en drie postdoctorale onderzoekers die onderzoek doen naar bovengenoemde vraagstukken. Nieuwdorp ontvangt verschillende subsidies, waaronder een Vidi-subsidie uit 2014 van de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), en maakt deel uit van verschillende nationale (CVON) en internationale (FP7) onderzoeksconsortia. De komende periode zal Nieuwdorp zich richten op het opzetten van een Amsterdams diabetescentrum, waarin hoogwaardige zorg wordt gecombineerd met translationeel onderzoek en onderwijs met als doel het verlagen van de morbiditeit en mortaliteit bij dit snel groeiende aantal patiënten.
Monique van de Wall Arneman - General Practitioner
Monique was born and raised in Curaçao. She studied medicine in Groningen and then completed her general practitioner training in Leiden. Since November 2020 she has been an international board-certified lifestyle medicine physician (International Board of Lifestyle Medicine). In 2021 she completed the CHEF coach training (culinary medicine) at the Harvard Institute of Lifestyle Medicine. Currently, she works as a lifestyle medicine physician and part-time general practitioner in Curaçao. In addition to patient care, she is committed to promoting the importance of lifestyle medicine among healthcare professionals and the public healthcare sector. Together with Ellen Visscher, she developed an educational program, in which they train healthcare professionals in lifestyle medicine. Another focal point of her work is conducting scientific research aimed at mapping out how lifestyle medicine should be implemented in healthcare systems and small island developing states.
Naomi Korstanje - Physical Therapist
Naomi Korstanje is a dedicated leader in sports and healthcare, known for her expertise as a Physical Therapist, Sports & Movement Innovator, and Swim Instructor, and coach.
With over a decade of experience, including in the Netherlands, she returned to her roots in Sint Maarten in January 2023.
Naomi's diverse background, coupled with her empathic ability and multicultural experience, uniquely positions her to address healthcare and sports development challenges. As a former athlete, she brings discipline and perseverance to her work, aiding patients in rehabilitation and promoting overall health goals.With her background and a Master's degree in Sports & Movement Innovation, Naomi is deeply involved in researching sports development on Sint Maarten. She actively uses sports and movement as tools to tackle social issues and promote healthier lifestyle practices in the community.
An avid sports enthusiast, Naomi takes part in various sports, volunteering her time and expertise. She is also passionate about the arts and creative industry, recognizing the importance of holistic well-being.
In addition to her healthcare initiatives, Naomi is a member of the quality committee of PASM (Paramedical Association Sint Maarten), contributing to numerous projects aimed at enhancing healthcare and preventative care on the island.
As President of the St. Maarten Sports Federation, Naomi leads efforts to drive growth and excellence in the island's sports community. With her multifaceted approach and problem-solving mindset, Naomi is committed to making a positive impact on the health, well-being, and cultural vitality of Sint Maarten's residents.
Nynke van der Zijl - General Practitioner
Ervaring en achtergrond
Nynke van der Zijl
Na mijn studie geneeskunde (BIG nummer: 69065613201) aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ben ik gepromoveerd op diabetes mellitus type 2. Het huisartsenvak heeft mij altijd getrokken en ik ben dan ook na mijn promotie de huisartsopleiding gaan volgen. Vervolgens heb ik in een aantal praktijken waargenomen, zo ook in Medisch Centrum Te Cleeff. Dit beviel zo goed, dat ik met veel plezier per 1 januari 2019 de praktijk van Jos Beemster heb overgenomen.Ik ben vooral een ‘coachende’ huisarts. Dit houdt in dat ik graag samen met de patiënt inventariseer wat het probleem of de klacht is, mijn kennis deel en we gezamenlijk kiezen voor de meest passende behandeling. Na mijn opleiding heb ik me gespecialiseerd in leefstijlgeneeskunde. Ik gebruik deze kennis graag in mijn praktijk en zie dagelijks wat een verandering van leefstijl voor positieve invloed kan uitoefenen op het welbevinden van mijn patiënten. Ik pas dit ook toe bij Keer Diabetes2 Om, een intensief leefstijlprogramma voor diabetespatiënten, waar ik naast mijn praktijk voor werk. Ik maak gebruik van complementaire geneeskunde volgens het principe van integrative medicine (dus alleen als het onderzocht, veilig en effectief is gebleken). In 2022 ben ik gestart met de opleiding Integrative Medicine.
Integrative Medicine rust op vier belangrijke pijlers:
- er is een gelijkwaardige relatie tussen zorgverlener en zorgvrager, met de zorgverlener in een coachende rol;
- we investeren in preventie en leefstijlinterventies;
- we benutten alles wat, op basis van onderzoek, veilig en effectief is voor de gezondheid (“evidence based”). Zo komen we tot de beste behandeling;
- we werken aan en in een helende omgeving, dat wil zeggen: een omgeving die bijdraagt aan genezing en welbevinden.
Hanneke Molthof
In 2007 heb ik mijn studie geneeskunde afgerond en ben ik gestart met de tropenopleiding. Na diverse tropen ervaringen (suriname/Oeganda), ben ik met de chirurgie opleiding aan het VUmc begonnen. Ondanks deze zeer leervolle chirurgische periode heb ik uiteindelijk besloten mij te storten op het huisartsenvak. Sinds 2017 heb ik bij diverse huisartsenpraktijken gewerkt (waaronder MC te Cleeff).In de praktijk werken drie huisartsen: Nynke van der Zijl, Britt Schouten (momenteel met zwangerschapsverlof) en Hanneke Molthof. Nynke werkt op woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag en Hanneke werkt op maandag, dinsdag en woensdag. We proberen zoveel mogelijk in de vakanties voor elkaar waar te nemen en anders iemand uit onze vaste invalgroep te vragen zodat de continuïteit gewaarborgd wordt.
Vanaf 1 maart zal Nynke een huisarts in opleiding begeleiden. gh
Remi Prinsen - Physical therapist, Aquatic therapist, Lifestyle coach
Remi Prinsen, physical therapist, aqua?c therapist, lifestyle coach
Remi Prinsen was born and raised in the Netherlands. He earned his bachelor’s degree in physical
therapy from Thim van der Laan University of Applied Sciences in 2015 after working as a building
engineer. Currently, he works as a physical therapist, aquatic therapist, and lifestyle coach at ProPhysio
SXM, is a private clinic located in Sint Maarten. While practicing as a physical therapist in the Netherlands
for several years, he developed an interest in the health changes associated with lifestyle. Remi
completed his education in Lifestyle Coaching in 2021. With his registration as a lifestyle coach, he led
the customization?and implementation of a Lifestyle program at a private practice in the Netherlands.
This endeavor involved close collaboration with local general practitioners, dietitians, and the
municipality to develop a comprehensive multi?-disciplinary program. The program yielded positive
results in behavioral changes related to lifestyle factors such as activity, nutrition, sleep, relaxation, and
stress management. Drawing from this experience, he actively participates in various working groups,
collaborating with stakeholders such as government and insurance companies to enhance preventive
care initiatives. Since the beginning of this year, -
Sebastiaan Hoendervangers - Physical Therapist
Sebastiaan Hoendervangers is a dedicated professional with a multifaceted approach to healthcare. His journey began with a passion for sports, movement, and the complexity of human physiology, which led him to pursue a career as a physical therapist. After graduating in 2008, he relocated to Sint Maarten, where he gained valuable experience working in various clinics and with organizations like the White and Yellow Cross Foundation.
It was during his tenure with the White and Yellow Cross Foundation that Sebastiaan was exposed to the profound impact disabilities can have on individuals and their families. This experience motivated him to shift his focus towards preventative healthcare, recognizing the importance of helping individuals avoid such conditions altogether. Therefore he joined Pro Physio in 2022, where he concentrates on empowering individuals to lead healthier lifestyles through activation and lifestyle coaching.
Sebastiaan's commitment to continuous learning is evident through the numerous courses he has undertaken in areas such as diabetes management, heart diseases, nutrition, lifestyle coaching, aquatic therapy, and dry needling. His specialization lies in working with individuals who have non-communicable diseases and multiple comorbidities, approaching their care with a holistic perspective.
Sebastiaan is actively involved in the healthcare community as the Vice-President of the Paramedical Association of Sint Maarten. Currently, he is also involved in the expansion of Pro Physio with an additional location in Philipsburg to better serve the community. He is known by his clients for his patience, seriousness, and sincerity.
Outside of his professional endeavors, Sebastiaan prioritizes spending quality time with his wife and two young sons.
Tasika Bell - Family Physician
BIO-INTRODUCTION OF T. BELL, MD for Lifestyle Conference St. Maarten 2024
Tasika Bell, born and raised in St. Maarten, and trained in the Netherlands at Maastricht University, has been a medical doctor since 2000. She has gained a varied work experience as a medical doctor in The Netherlands in several fields including ophthalmology, occupational medicine, international cardiovascular risk management research, and nursing home care. She specialized in Family Medicine (Huisartsopleiding) in the Netherlands at Leiden University, with a differentiation in geriatric health care management, and has a special interest in cardiovascular risk management, preventative and lifestyle medicine, and biopsychosocial medicine.
After she specialized in family medicine, she worked in the Netherlands as a Family physician and has also substituted for family physicians in St. Maarten and Aruba, and for island doctors in St. Eustatius. She opened her Family medicine practice, Soualiga Medical Practice, in Cole Bay, St. Maarten, in 2016. Her further work experience at St. Maarten includes hygiene and infection control for health care workers, pharmaceuticals registration evaluation, and chronic care request evaluation.
She holds registration with Arts & Leefstijl Vereniging (Doctor & Lifestyle Association) in The Netherlands as a lifestyle professional, having met, and continuing to meet, the continuous lifestyle medicine training requirements to remain registered.
Passionate about empowering patients and the greater community to improve their grip on their health, she incorporates a preventative, lifestyle, and biopsychosocial approach in patient care, and she has provided health information sessions and lectures for the general public, schools, health fairs, awareness events, community groups, churches, and service clubs, as well as lectures for health care workers. She is a member of the St. Maarten Heart & Stroke Foundation, contributing to its mission to improve community awareness of cardiovascular health risks and diseases, and the prevention thereof.
She is, together with Fey Van der Dijs, a co-initiator of this St. Maarten Lifestyle conference, as well a member of the conference organizing committee as a member of the WIMA (Windward Islands Medical Association), a co-organizer of this conference along with support from other stakeholders including NASKHO (Nederlands Caribische Stichting voor Klinisch Hoger Onderwijs) and Professor F. Muskiet.
Dr. T.Bell, M.D., Family Physician
Soualiga Medical Practice
Union Road, Diamond Drive 1, Cole Bay, St. Maarten
Tel +1721 5444515
- Reversing DM - Nynke vd Zyl
- Inequalities - Jaap Seidel
- Lifestyle map SXM - T Bell
- Reverse Obesity Drugs - Marcel Muskiet
- Low birthweigt and obesity - Frits Muskiet
- Reverse DM Implementation - N vd Zyl
- Prevention and Government - Jaap Seidel
- DRIs micronutrients
- Nutrition - Frits Muskiet
- Changing the scope - Ellen Visscher
- Lifestyle Interventions conference_GP
- Lifestyle in Medicine - A. Duits
- Prevention through dietary counseling on St. Maarten Jeshneila Berit
- Sint-Maarten-seidell-inequality