Conference on Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Vascular Diseases

Conference on Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Vascular Diseases

From October 02, 2021 07:45 until October 03, 2021 12:30

Posted by Luigia Baerecke

Categories: Conference

Hits: 9737

You can also click here to print the manual registration form, fill this out, and pay at the registration desk.

On behalf of the Pulmonology departments and Tuberculosis coordinators of Curacao Medical Center and Horacio Oduber Hospital Aruba, we are organizing the first regional Tuberculosis conference! Our goal is to improve awareness and interisland collaboration on this infamous disease.

Failure to recognize tuberculosis can quickly lead to major health issues in society. Knowledge and expertise are under pressure due to an expected decrease in the number of patients over the years. It is important that doctors and laboratories continue to guarantee their knowledge and quality in this field.

We have prepared an exciting program that will focus on recognizing the clinical picture of (latent) TB, treatment options, and pitfalls. Also, there will be involvement of complicated cases like extrapulmonary TB, patients using immunosuppressants, or patients co-infected with HIV. There will also be time for practical workshops, intercollegial networking, and asking questions to our (international) experts.

Learning goals

Target audience
GP’s, specialists in Infectiology-Pulmonology-Public Health, Public Health nurses, other interested Health Care workers

For attendance in person: a copy of the COVID-19 vaccination record or a negative PCR test (48 hrs prior to the conference) or Antigen test (24hrs prior to the conference) must be presented at the registration desk. 
For international participants, please follow the entry requirements published on the Gobiernu di Korsou website.

Saturday, October 2nd 2021 - Sessie 1

Chairman of the day: Dr. Folkert Brijker, Pulmonologist (CMC)

From  To Subject Speakers
7:45  8:30 Registration  
8:30  8:45 Welcoming word Drs. Tamara Blonk (CMC), Drs. Caroline Becker
8:45  9:15 History of TB control on CAS/BES Islands Dr. Izzy Gerstenbluth (GGD)
    Epidemiology on the CAS/BES, the Netherlands and the world, strategies (WHO's End TB Strategy) Dr. Gerard de Vries (RIVM)
    Diagnosis of tuberculosis  
9:15 10:15 Symptomatology Dr. Marleen Bakker (EMC)
    Radiology Drs. Caroline Becker (HOH)
    Microbiology Drs. Andert Rosingh (MMB HOH)
10:15  11:00 Coffee Break  
    Treatment of tuberculosis  
11:00  12:00 Theory of effect of medication, structure of schedules Dr. Marleen Bakker (EMC)
    Adverse effects and management Dr. Marleen Bakker (EMC)
12:00  13:00 Lunch break (Own account)  

Saturday October 2nd 2021, session 2

Chairman of the day: Dr. Folkert Brijker, Pulmonologist (CMC)

From  To Subject Speakers
12:30  13:00 Registration  
    Treatment and impaired immunity   
13:00  13:00 HIV and TB Prof. Dr. Reinout v/d Crevel 
    Use of immunosuppression Prof. Dr. Reinout v/d Crevel 
    Extrapulmonary manifestations Drs. Esther Rooijakkers (CMC)
    Other clinical challenges    
14:00  14:30 Isolation policy in the hospital Mrs. Marjolein Maduro (HIP HOH)
    Case presentation TB patient Drs. Tamara Blonk + HIP HOH)
14:30  15:00 Coffee break  
15:00  16:45 Workshops                                                                                                   (simultaneously, the audience can choose between 2 of the 3 subjects) 15 minutes between workshops for changing rooms  
    15:00 - 15:45 or 16:00 - 16:45  
    1) Public Health Dr. Gerard de Vries / dr. Izzy Gerstenbluth
    a. Contract tracing  
    b. Screening (risk groups, employees)   
    c. Patient support  
    15:00 - 15:45 or 16:00 - 16:45  
    2) Latent TB Infections Dr. Marleen Bakker / Drs. Caroline Becker
    a. Diagnostics (with or without immunosuppression)  
    b. Treatment  
    c. Case Presentations  
    15:00 - 15:45 or 16:00 - 16:45  
    3) Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria

Prof. Dr. Reinout v/d Crevel / Drs. Tamara Blonk

    a) Diagnostics  
    b) Treatment  
    c) Case presentations  
16:45 17:00 Inter-island cooperation and closing remarks Drs. Tamara Blonk / Drs. Caroline Becker


Sunday October 3rd 2021, session 3

Charmain of the day: Dr. Paul van den Berg, Pulmonologist (CMC)

From  To Subject Speakers
8:30 8:55 Registration  
8:55 9:00 Word of welcome  
9:00 9:30 Rendu-Osler-Weber (ROW), General Introduction Dr. Monique Wong-Loi-Sing, Pulmonologist CMC
9:30 10:10 Pulmonary AV Malformations and Pulmonary Hypertension in ROW Dr. Hans Jurgen Mager, Pulmonologist St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwe Gein
10:10 10:40 Interventions pulmonary vessels: ROW and other indications  Peter Haarbrink, Intervention Radiologist CMC
10:40 11:10 Coffee Break  
11:10 11:40 Asthma and vasculitis Dr. Geert Rootmensen, Pulmonologist LUMC Leiden
11:40 12:00 Interactive forum discussion All speakers in the panel
12:00   Closure  

Registration Fee $ 75 per session


Accreditation # A21.013.
October 2nd, 2021
08.45 - 12.00: 3 points
13.00 - 14.30: 2 points
15.00 - 15.45 workshop # 1 1 points
16.00 - 16.45 workshop # 2 1 points
October 3rd, 2021
08.55 - 12.00: 3 points