VRIJDAG 14 JUNI: Het belang van balans tussen Magnesium en Calcium
Magnesium en calcium zijn antagonisten maar werken ook nauw samen. In de huidige westerse samenleving is hun balans om diverse redenen fors verstoord. Calcium is de bovenliggende partij en magnesium is de klos. Dat heeft ernstige consequenties die in de kliniek niet als magnesium-probleem worden onderkend, deels omdat de klinische chemie referentiewaarden rondstrooit die niet veel te maken hebben met optimale waarden.
Prof. dr. Frits Muskiet
Sinds 2015: gepensioneerd klinisch chemicus en emeritus hoogleraar 'Pathofysiologie en klinische chemie' (RUG en UMCG). Nog steeds actief in onderwijs en onderzoek.
Frits Muskiet - Clinical Chemist
Frits A.J. Muskiet graduated in Biochemistry, obtained his PhD (catecholamine (metabolite) producing tumors), and specialized in Clinical Chemistry, all in Groningen University and the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). Until his retirement, he held a permanent position as a Clinical Chemist in the UMCG with activities in patient care, teaching, and research. He was appointed Professor of Pathophysiology and Clinical Chemical Analysis in the School of Pharmacy of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medical Sciences. He is still active in research and teaching and has a broad research interest e.g. activities in nutrition, lifestyle in medicine, atherosclerosis, hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias, obstetrics and perinatology, psychiatry, evolutionary medicine, and evidence-based laboratory medicine. He has been an advisor of 34 PhD candidates and is (co)author of 288 PubMed registered publications.